
General Eye Care


Temporary Fake Eyelashes: The Good, The Bad, and The Pretty

Are Fake Eyelashes Safe? In this day and age, bigger is better. Fake eyelashes, often known to the makeup world as “falsies,” are all the rage right now. Applying false eyelashes is simple albeit tedious: you apply eyelash adhesive to the edge and glue them down as close to your natural lash line as possible. Once laid down correctly, they

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Contact Lenses and Eye Infection: Do They Go Hand-in-Hand?

Contact lenses can be a fun and convenient alternative to eyeglasses. So fun and convenient, in fact, that some people want to wear their contacts all the time. Unfortunately, this minimizes necessary contact lens maintenance. If you’re not caring for your contacts and cleaning them properly, you have an increased chance of contracting an eye infection. Contact lens wearers are

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Eye Makeup Safety: When to Toss Those Products

Are you an eye makeup collector? That eyeshadow that shimmered like pearls on the store shelf, but looks more like chalk on your lids, or that eyeliner that promised a sleek cat-eye, but looks more like a tire skid mark? Are those still rolling around in your drawer? Or maybe you buy colors for all the seasons, and save them

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Eye Makeup Safety: When to Toss Old Products

Check Makeup Expiration Dates Are you an eye makeup collector? That eyeshadow that shimmered like pearls on the store shelf, but looks more like chalk on your lids, or that eyeliner that promised a sleek cat-eye, but looks more like a tire skid mark? Are those still rolling around in your drawer? Or maybe you buy colors for all the

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Three Types Of Tears: Why Crying is Good For You

Crying is an emotional reaction and release that actually has many benefits. We cry because of sad, unforeseen events, or a roller coaster of a movie. Shoot we even cry when we are happy! Did you know that we have three different types of tears? Emotional Tears A good sob has been proven to release toxins in the body caused

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Most Common Types of Eye Infections and How to Prevent Them

Redness, watery eyes, and blurred vision are some of the signs of the most common types of eye infections. Your local Michigan eye doctor can identify your condition and determine its severity, but following is some basic information about common eye infections and other ailments, as well as how you can prevent them.   Common Types of Eye Infections and

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Astigmatism: Myth vs. Fact

Astigmatism affects at least one-third of the population in the United States. Astigmatism is an irregular curvature of the cornea or lens. This irregularity is found most often in the cornea and causes light to refract improperly. As a result, blurry vision, eye strain, headaches, and general eye discomfort may result. Most people have such a mild case that there

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3 Tips To Make Wearing Glasses Cool in Michigan

Fear of Wearing Glasses: Tips for Michigan Parents   Finding out a child needs glasses can be overwhelming and surprising for both parents and children. With 75% of American adults wearing some sort of corrective lenses, many children need assistance as well. Following the steps below can help parents ease a child’s fears about wearing glasses and ensure a positive

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Why Near Vision Declines with Age

Sometime after you turn 40, you may notice a difference in your near vision. It may seem like a sudden change the first time you struggle to read the tiny print on a medicine bottle, or when you’re squinting at your menu in a romantic restaurant, wishing for some decent lighting. The truth is that the changes in your eyes

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Foods that are Healthy for the Eyes: Good Choices Could Mean Better Vision

When we choose to eat healthy, we do so with the hopes of keeping our bodies healthy and in shape. But do we ever think about dining for our eyesight? Probably not, but fear not – incorporating foods that are healthy for the eyes into our diet can’t get any easier than this. (And yes, that includes carrots!) Leafy greens,

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