Racks and racks of reading glasses can be found everywhere from a truck stop diner to a dollar store. But trust us, there’s much more to buying reading glasses than meets the eye. Prescription reading glasses provide you with added value in the long run when it comes to your comfort, the health of your eyes, and the reliability of
Understanding Your Eye Prescription To the unknowing person, a contact lens prescription looks incredibly complex with various numbers and abbreviations. Even a regular eyeglass prescription can be overwhelming, and these prescriptions typically only include sphere, cylinder, axis, prism, and base. These together measure things like lens power, astigmatism, and eye alignment. Contact prescriptions usually include more information to ensure that
“Is the image blacker and sharper on number one … or number two; one … or two; one … or two?” Fifteen minutes of grilling have passed, and you have walked out of your eye doctor’s office with a prescription for eyeglasses. It is certainly more legible, in most cases, than whatever it is that a physician scribbles on their
With Daylight Savings Time over as of the beginning of November and the season slowly changing into winter, our days will get shorter and shorter over the next several weeks. This change comes with earlier sunsets, and that means you’ll find yourself driving in the dark more often, even as soon as you start your drive home from work! It’s
Astigmatism affects at least one-third of the population in the United States. Astigmatism is an irregular curvature of the cornea or lens. This irregularity is found most often in the cornea and causes light to refract improperly. As a result, blurry vision, eye strain, headaches, and general eye discomfort may result. Most people have such a mild case that there