
Tag: Eye Doctor in Lapeer


Cleaning Eyeglasses: What to Do and What Not to Do

For years, we’ve seen people cleaning eyeglasses in all sorts of ways: breathing on them, scrubbing them with the bottom of their shirts, rubbing them with paper towels, and so much more. Seeing people do this somehow makes others believe they’re the right ways, but we’re here to tell you the truth about what to do and what not to

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Why Men and Women See the World Differently

Couples don’t always see things eye to eye but it has nothing to do with personality. Studies have shown that men and women physiologically view the world in different ways. It all has to do with how our brains are wired and may have its roots in human history.   Men How men see things may go back to the

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Temporary Fake Eyelashes: The Good, The Bad, and The Pretty

Are Fake Eyelashes Safe? In this day and age, bigger is better. Fake eyelashes, often known to the makeup world as “falsies,” are all the rage right now. Applying false eyelashes is simple albeit tedious: you apply eyelash adhesive to the edge and glue them down as close to your natural lash line as possible. Once laid down correctly, they

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