What Do Your Eyes Say About Your Health? It’s not that your eyes aren’t mesmerizingly beautiful, because they certainly are. But that’s not what makes us gaze deeply into them. The truth is, when we look into your eyes, we learn a lot about you – not on an emotional level but for medical treatment purposes. Allow us to explain.
It is estimated that more than 3 million Americans have glaucoma, but only half of those know they have it. Glaucoma is a leading cause of blindness. While everyone is at risk, some people are more likely to develop the eye disease than others. Staying mindful of these risk factors for glaucoma is key to recognizing its onset before it
Racks and racks of reading glasses can be found everywhere from a truck stop diner to a dollar store. But trust us, there’s much more to buying reading glasses than meets the eye. Prescription reading glasses provide you with added value in the long run when it comes to your comfort, the health of your eyes, and the reliability of
Exercise & Eye Health It seems like exercise can do almost anything, from helping to focus your mind, to weight loss, and even reducing your chances of getting certain cancers. But has anyone told you that exercise can protect your vision? In the past decade, health studies have indicated that there is no shortage in what exercise can do to
There are many factors at play that can make women more susceptible to eye diseases than men are. Many women are not aware of their increased likelihood of experiencing vision problems, which often means they aren’t seeking adequate preventative care. Factors that Make Women More Susceptible to Eye Diseases There are a variety of reasons why women are more likely
How Eye Color Can Change Aside from the brain, the eyes are probably the most complex organ in the human body. They can bring our world into focus, bend light, and grant us vision. However, for many of us, the most fascinating thing about eyes is their color. Some people may believe that their eye color has changed over time.
More than 2.7 million Americans over the age of 40 are affected by a vision-stealing disease that often has no symptoms. The disease? Glaucoma. January is Glaucoma Awareness Month, and the doctors and staff of Michigan Eye Institute want you to know the facts about this silent disease. GLAUCOMA AWARENESS What is Glaucoma? Glaucoma develops when the optic nerve