A cataract is a condition that results in progressive clouding of the natural lens of the eye. This condition is more common with increased age, but can develop at any point in life. Cataracts are treated with a highly successful outpatient procedure. Today, patients can elect to have traditional cataract surgery or laser refractive cataract surgery. What’s the Difference Between
Failing eyesight is one of the most frightening aspects of the aging process. Fearing that they will lose their independence, seniors often do not tell their loved ones, medical providers, or caregivers that they are experiencing vision problems. Recognizing some of the warning signs is the first step in helping a family member deal with vision loss or poor vision.
Exercise & Eye Health It seems like exercise can do almost anything, from helping to focus your mind, to weight loss, and even reducing your chances of getting certain cancers. But has anyone told you that exercise can protect your vision? In the past decade, health studies have indicated that there is no shortage in what exercise can do to