Packing Eyewear for Travel Eyewear is one of the most important things you’ll have to pack for a trip. Without the proper eyewear, products, and backups, your trip could be ruined. Here are a few things to keep in mind when traveling with contact lenses and eyeglasses. How to Pack Contact Lenses When Flying Keep your contact lenses and solution
According to a report by the U.S Consumer Product Safety Commission, fireworks caused 13,000 injuries in 2017 alone. This report also found that 14 percent of these cases are eye injuries. Eye injuries can raise blood pressure in your eyes and even cause blood loss. In severe cases, fireworks can cause abrasions and vision loss. No matter how benign some
Are you new to wearing contact lenses? We know that putting in contact lenses and taking them out can be challenging at first. In fact, most patients struggle with it for the first few days or weeks. For that reason, our eye doctors and assistants will thoroughly explain the process of how to insert and remove contacts to you. Here
Astigmatism is a common vision condition that affects many people around the world. It occurs when the cornea or lens of the eye is not perfectly round, causing blurred or distorted vision. In this blog post, we will explore what causes astigmatism, what it is, and how astigmatism is treated. What Is Astigmatism? Astigmatism is a common vision problem that
Styes are very common, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t painful or irritating. An eye stye can form when one of the glands along the base of your eyelashes becomes clogged and infected. Styes, which look similar to pimples, can form on your eyelid or the lining of your eye. The stye and the area around it might be tender
Most people know that high blood pressure (hypertension) can cause heart and kidney disease, but most don’t realize it can cause eye disease and permanent vision loss as well. Here’s what you need to know to protect your vision. What is Blood Pressure? Blood pressure is simply the amount of “squeeze” your heart puts into each beat to move blood
You walk into work and the first thing your coworker says is, “Your eyes are so red today!” They might give you a hard time about staying up too late on a work night, but in fact there are several causes of red eye. 1. Seasonal or Environmental Allergies Pets, pollen, dust, and mold can all cause allergic reactions. Allergies
With advancements in modern medicine, multiple vision problems can be corrected with one procedure. The TRULIGN Toric Intraocular Lens specifically can address astigmatism, presbyopia, and cataracts at the same time. So what is a TRULIGN Toric Lens, and how does it work? Read on to learn more. What is a TRULIGN Toric Lens? TRULIGN Toric is a brand of a
Racks and racks of reading glasses can be found everywhere from a truck stop diner to a dollar store. But trust us, there’s much more to buying reading glasses than meets the eye. Prescription reading glasses provide you with added value in the long run when it comes to your comfort, the health of your eyes, and the reliability of
Dependence upon corrective lenses to improve your vision becomes tiresome. Some patients opt for a more permanent solution that can correct both cataracts and presbyopia at the same time: the Crystalens Aspheric Optic lens procedure. Here is a quick rundown of the procedure, its benefits, side effects, and the downtime you can expect for recovery. What Crystalens Aspheric Optic Means