
When Do I Need Cataract Surgery?

When is the right time for cataract surgery?

It’s a question many patients have. 

Most individuals will develop cataracts—the clouding of your eye’s natural lens—with age. However, the question of when you need cataract surgery may vary. 

There’s no set time anyone should get cataract surgery, nor does having cataracts mean you need to undergo eye surgery right away. Some cataracts may develop early, while others take longer to progress before you even notice them. Each eye is unique, so the timeline for needing cataract surgery largely depends on each individual, and Michigan Eye Institute is here to tell you why. 

Though cataract surgery may seem intimidating, it’s a completely normal process that will allow you to see better and return you to your favorite activities. In this article, we’ll answer when is the right time to consider cataract surgery, cataract symptoms, as well as the benefits of cataract surgery. 

To consult with the eye experts about cataract surgery, book an appointment with Michigan Eye Institute today. Our eye doctors are experts in providing a wide range of ophthalmology and optometry services and will be happy to assist. 

The Average Age for Cataract Surgery

On average, cataracts affect more than 50% of people over the age of 60.

It is believed that most patients start to develop cataracts after 40, and by 60, will likely need cataract surgery. 

When should cataracts be removed?

Age doesn’t necessarily decipher when cataract surgery should be done. Despite the suggestions, you don’t need to wait until cataracts are “ripe” before removing them, nor do you need to remove them just because you have them. It all boils down to the current state of your vision. 

Cataracts cause eye health concerns when it starts to disrupt your daily routine and comfort. You may begin to experience cloudy vision as it progresses, feeling as if you’re looking through a dirty mirror. Think you have cataracts? Look out for these common signs. 

Common Cataract Symptoms

  • Clouded Vision
  • Decreased Night Vision
  • Faded or Yellowed Color Appearance
  • Sensitivity To Light
  • The Appearance of Light “Halos” Especially While Driving 
  • Double Vision
  • Repeatedly-Changing Prescriptions

If you have experienced any of the above symptoms, schedule an appointment with the experts at Michigan Eye Institute right away. Although there is no medical treatment to prevent the development of cataracts, fortunately, you can restore your vision with safe and certified cataract surgery. 

The Benefits of Cataract Surgery

We understand being wary, but we can assure you this is one of the most safe and effective surgeries performed in the US today. Cataract surgery is virtually painless and often takes little time to complete. With the help of leading eye care experts, your cataract surgery can be hassle-free and require little recovery time. Ensure a comfortable life with restored vision. 

Need a reason to consider cataract surgery? Here are three. 

Improved Quality of Life

Cataracts can cause your vision to blur over time, making it harder to complete normal tasks and enjoy the things you love, such as reading, driving, watching TV, playing board games, etc. Cataracts can negatively affect simple joys, and if you can’t do the things you love, your confidence and mental health can decline. 

However, cataract surgery gives you back freedom with improved vision. After surgery, you can start to do the things you enjoy without the disruption of cataracts. You can read your favorite paperback, drive the grandkids to see a movie, or play cards with old-time friends. Cataract surgery ensures you live life to the fullest. 

Good Eye Health 

With cataracts, patients tend to develop other eye problems. That’s why cataract surgery is important, and in some cases, necessary to improve vision. 

Cataracts have the potential to develop eye inflammation, increasing pressure inside your eye. This can cause glaucoma and other serious eye issues. Additionally, if experiencing other eye issues, cataracts make it that much harder to treat or prevent eye problems. However, with the help of cataract surgery, you can protect your vision against additional eye problems and help prevent complications. 

Overall Safety  

Ultimately, your safety is our greatest concern. 

With improved vision comes less risk of accidents. Patients who get cataract surgery are less likely to fall and experience fewer broken hips. It is even estimated that patients’ driving safety can improve by 50% after cataract removal. Improving your vision reduces the chance of mishaps.

Overcome Cloudy Vision

Still unsure about getting cataract surgery? Schedule an appointment with Michigan Eye Institute to determine if cataract surgery is right for you. Michigan Eye Institute offers leading-edge technology with comprehensive cataract services to ensure you select the eye treatment most suitable for you. With diverse cataract surgery treatment options, cutting-edge techniques, and seasoned eye care experts, you will ensure you receive the best surgical outcome possible. 

Don’t suffer from cloudy vision a moment more. Get back to a life of clarity with Michigan Eye Institute. 

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