Sight is a very precious gift and most people will go to the ends of the Earth and will try every gimmick to maintain or improve their vision. There are countless devices and “medicines” designed with the intent of supporting eye health. The preponderance of those treatments is pure hokum and have absolutely no merit. But one specific treatment might be a lot more beneficial — fish oil.
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Rich in Omega-3
The claim that fish oil can be beneficial to eye health is largely due to the presence of omega-3 fatty acids. Fish is, of course, a prime source for omega-3 fatty acids; there are believed to be many areas of the eye where the fats in fish oil do their finest work. Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid, and essential fatty acids ensure that the body functions properly.
For this reason, some eye doctors recommend fish oil supplements to their patients. The belief is that fish oil helps to maintain needed fat levels in the eyes. Omega-3 fatty acids also act as macrophages, flushing out potentially harmful fats and other unhealthy organisms. The essential fatty acids in fish oil (omega-3) are believed to prevent glaucoma and high eye pressure by aiding in the draining of intraocular fluid, which causes such chronic conditions.
Studies Suggest True Benefits
A study by Massachusetts Ear and Eye Infirmary suggests that fish oil, through its abundance of omega-3 fatty acids, is effective in preventing age-related macular degeneration (AMD).
In another study, the University of Australia found that those who ate at least one serving of fish per week were 40 percent less likely to acquire AMD.
There is also evidence that fish oil might help relieve the affliction of chronic dry eyes. The National Eye Institute found that fish oil helped reduce the symptoms of dry eyes through the added lubrication of the tear ducts. Omega-3 fatty acids seem to form a layer of fat around the tears themselves, easing their escape into the eyes.
Some Argue to the Contrary
Not all are ready to extol the virtues of fish oil. A recent study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania suggests that fish oil produced nearly the same results for eye health as their olive oil placebo. They claim 61 percent of fish oil users reported less dry eye symptoms compared to 54 percent of placebo users.
The best advice regarding eye health, whether one should take fish oil or any other eye health aid, would be to contact certified experts in the field of eye care. The experts at Michigan Eye Institute will have all the answers that you need, so make an appointment to see one of our eye doctors today.
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